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  • Educational establishments are to offer blended learning (online and at school) with school capacity restricted to in person attendance of 30% of normal student capacity on any given day.
  • Specialized, technical, special needs and remote schools, where the total number of students amounts to 30% or less of the school capacity can operate at full capacity.

  • Each education establishment must assign a COVID-19 Safety Officer to monitor, reinforce, and report on compliance with the precautions set out in this guidance.  The Safety Officer is required to undertake the MoPH COVID-19 Safe Back-to-school Training. The school leadership should be engaged in reinforcing compliance of precautions among students and staff

  • Do not allow students on-site if they are showing symptoms of COVID-19, respiratory symptoms, or have been in close contact with someone who has confirmed or suspected COVID-19 in the last 14 days or have history of fever or feeling feverish the previous 24 hours.​
  • Staff, Parents, Volunteers and other workers must download Ehteraz, and have green status for entry.
  • Thermal screening for staff and students on arrival, entry only for those with temperature of 37.8 degrees or below
  • Enforce the policy of “staying at home if unwell” for students, teachers or school staff with symptoms. 
  • Limit non-essential visitors and activities on school premises.

  • Assign a School Nurse and ensure they have received the MoPH COVID-19 Safe Back-to-school Education Training. Schools should have a policy/protocol regarding symptom screening and what to do if a student or school staff member becomes sick with COVID-19 symptoms. If students or school staff are suspected to have COVID 19, they will be referred to testing site at PHCC to have appropriate care. 

  • Safe distance of 1.5m must be maintained at all times. This applies to students and teachers/school staff
  • Keep a minimum distance of 1.5 m between students/staff desks in classrooms.
  • Continue remote teaching where possible to support split or rotating schedules with continuous remote learning. 
  • Ensure enough supervision and monitoring for students of all ages to ensure adherence to physical distancing in classrooms.
  • Assess what can be done to limit risk of exposure, or direct physical contact, in physical education classes, sports or other physical activities and play in playgrounds, wet areas and changing rooms when these activities become allowed.
  • Students from different classes should not mix with other students during recess or other activities.  ​
  • Stagger break, recess and meal times to avoid mixing of classes​
  • Cancel activities and events such as field trips, student assemblies, athletic events or practices, special performances, school-wide parent meetings.
  • Stagger arrival and/or dismissal times where possible.
  • Teachers to rotate between classes, not the students.
  • All students should face forward in one direction while seated in class
  • Teachers should not move around in the classes while teaching
  • Cohort classes to minimize crossover among children and adults within the school.
  • Utilize outdoor spaces when possible.​​
  • ​Particular avoidance of close physical proximity in cases of increased exhalation (singing, exercise); these activities are safer outdoors and spread out at 3m distance.
  • Eliminate use of lockers or assign them by cohort to reduce need for hallway use across multiple areas of the building. (This strategy would need to be done in conjunction with planning to ensure students are not carrying home an unreasonable number of books on a daily basis and may vary depending on other cohorting and instructional decisions schools are making.) 
  • Staff meetings should not exceed 15 people, with wearing masks and maintaining 1.5 m physical distance.

  • Masks should be worn by all teachers and admin staff all the time
  • All students from 7th grade must wear face masks at all times. 
  • 5th and 6th grade students are strongly advised to wear masks.
  • Students in grades 1 to 4 should wear masks  while in school corridors.
  • If parents wish to have their children in earlier elementary years to wear masks inside the class, it is acceptable.
  • Masks offer important protections. Cloth masks are acceptable and children may find them more comfortable
  • Ensure efficient ventilation in classrooms, halls and offices.  (refer to MoPH website for HVAC guidance)
  • School staff working with students who are unable to wear a cloth face covering and who must be in close proximity to them should ideally wear N95 masks. When access to N95 masks is limited, a surgical mask in combination with a face shield should be used.​
  • Face shields or other forms of eye protection should also be used when working closely with students unable to manage secretions.​
  • For certain populations, the use of cloth face coverings by teachers may impede the education process. These include students who are deaf or hard of hearing, students receiving speech/language services, and young students in early education programs. In those cases, face coverings with clear panels in the front can be used.
  • Hand washing and/or hand sanitizers at multiple locations across the schools and in the classrooms.
  • Create a schedule for frequent hand hygiene, especially for young children.
  • Ensure good ventilation in place in all rooms.
  • No social gatherings outside of classes for students.
  • Avoid gathering of teachers or admin staff
  • Disinfection of facilities such as benches, desks, chairs at beginning and end of day, and between classes if children move rooms
  • Reusable school classroom equipment to be disinfected between uses.
  • Canteens: Refer to MoPH Schools Canteen Guidance.
  • Schedule regular cleaning of the school environment daily, including toilets, with water and soap/detergent and disinfectant. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, desks, toys, supplies, light switches, doorframes, play equipment, teaching aids used by children, and covers of books.
  • Increase frequency of cleaning in gym and sports facilities and changing rooms, provide hand hygiene stations at entrances and exits when these activities are allowed to resume.
  • Specific measures should be in place for students recovering from COVID-19 or those in quarantine e.g. online learning, exams etc.
  • Limit cross-school transfer for special programs (e.g. music, academic clubs, etc).
  • Consider creating one-way hallways to reduce close contact. 
  • Place physical guides, such as tape, on floors or sidewalks to create one-way routes. ​
  • Enforcing physical distancing in an outside playground is difficult and may not be the most effective method of risk mitigation. Emphasis should be placed on cohorting students and limiting the size of groups participating in playground time when such activities are allowed to resume.  
  • Create separate lunch break periods to minimize the number of students in the cafeteria at one time.   
  • Wash hands or use hand sanitizer before and after eating.
  • Utilize additional spaces for lunch/break times when not serving food in the classrooms. 
  • Create an environment that is as safe as possible from exposure to food allergens. 
  • Lunchtimes: individually plate food for each student, or ask students to bring food from home.  Consider boxed lunches to be served in classrooms, rather than mix class groups in a canteen. 
  • Ensure students who have been in contact with a COVID-19 case stay home for 14 days. The school officials should notify public health authorities in case of a positive COVID-19 case.
  • Students who are suspected of having COVID-19 should be isolated in a separate room, and the family notified to take the student for COVID testing and medical care.  This should be coordinated through the School Nurse.​
  • The suspected case information should be reported to the Ministry of Public Health so that the student can be followed to ensure that they were tested and to take necessary action if the test turns positive.  This should be done by the school Safety Officer or Principal by calling 16000.
  • Sinks used for food preparation should not be used for any other purposes.
  • Establish one-way circulation of athletes through gym or sports facilities
  • Limit the number of persons allowed in the locker room at one time.
  • Equipment and toys that cannot be cleaned and sanitized should not be used.
  • Avoid sharing toys with other groups of infants or toddlers, unless they are washed and sanitized before being moved from one group to the other.

  • Develop a system for personal transport drop-off and pick-up that keeps families at least 1.5m from each other and reduces their need to enter the school.  This may include staggering drop-off and pick-up times, one-way traffic flows, or placing markers on walkways.
Bus Transport:
  • Encourage alternative modes of transportation for students who have other options. 
  • Restrict capacity to maintain 1.5m distance between students on the bus.
  • If possible, assign seats by cohort (same students sit together each day).​
  • Tape marks showing students where to sit. 
  • Masks to be worn at all times on the bus. 
  • Driver should be a minimum of 1.5m from students; driver must wear face covering; consider physical barrier for driver (eg, plexiglass).
  • Adults who do not need to be on the bus should not be on the bus.​
  • Have some of the windows open for fresh air.

  • Educate everyone in the school about COVID-19 prevention, this includes appropriate and frequent hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, mask use, symptoms of COVID-19 and what to do if you feel sick.
  • Non-contact greetings should also be strongly advised. Offer weekly updates on these as the pandemic evolves.​
  • Inform parents about the measures the school is putting in place and ask for cooperation to report any cases of COVID-19 that occur in the household. If someone in the household is suspected to have COVID-19, keep the child home and inform the school.​​
  • Explain to the students the reason for school-related measures, including discussing the scientific considerations and highlighting the help they can get through schools (e.g. psychosocial support).

  • ​​​​Make special considerations for vulnerable groups (e.g. online learning).
  • Vulnerable staff members and students to remain at home and utilize distance learning.
  • Students with family members who suffer from chronic conditions should remain at home and utilize distance learning.​

Copyright © 2022 Ministry of Public Health. All rights reserved.

COVID-19 Services Assistant خدمة المساعدة الخاصة بكوفيد-19
COVID-19 Services Assistant خدمة المساعدة الخاصة بكوفيد-19