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  • To provide guidance on how best to facilitate the safe and gradual re-opening of private training facilities and have effective measures in place to protect the health of students and staff by reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission in facilities as much as practicable.

  • Each education establishment must assign a COVID-19 Compliance Manager to monitor and report on compliance with the precautions set out in this guidance.​

  • Training facilities to open at 50% restricted capacity 
  • Do not allow students on-site if they are showing symptoms of COVID-19, or have been in close contact with someone who has confirmed or suspected COVID-19 in the last 14 days. 
  • Staff, Students, Volunteers and other support workers must download Ehteraz, and have a green health status for entry. 
  • Thermal screening for staff and students on arrival, Entry only for those with temperature of below 38 degrees. 
  • Enforce the policy of “staying at home if unwell” for students, teachers or support staff with symptoms. If possible, connect with local organizations to provide home care support and ensure communication between home and school. 
  • Limit non-essential visitors.​

  • Keep occupancy of rooms and halls at 1 person/9m2 
  • Keep 1.5 meters minimum distance between people, desks, queues, staff rooms and hallways (increase distance between desks/seats to 1.5m) 
  • Consider reduced class sizes where capacity for physical distancing is not available. 
  • Continue remote teaching where possible to support split or rotating schedules with continuous remote learning (Important if an infection surge requires a further short-term training centre closure). 
  • Ensure enough supervision for students of all ages to ensure adherence to physical distancing in classrooms. 
  • Consider adjusting the timetable, with some students and teachers attending in the morning, others in the afternoon, others on distance learning (stagger classes on site).  Keep groups separated to reduce risk of transmission. 
  • Minimize shared break times, i.e. alternate when and where classes take lunch. Ensure efficient ventilation.  Clean or replace air conditioning filters and service air conditioning equipment to ensure optimal use. 
  • Stagger arrival and/or dismissal times. 
  • Supervisors on duty during break times to ensure physical distancing measures are adhered to.​

  • Masks for all (staff, clients and students). 
  • Hand washing and/or hand sanitizers at multiple locations across the training centers. 
  • Create a schedule for frequent hand hygiene, especially for young children. 
  • Ensure all rooms are well ventilated. 
  • No social gatherings outside of teaching session. 
  • Disinfection of facilities such as benches, desks, chairs at the beginning and end of day, and between classes if children move rooms. 
  • Reusable classroom equipment to be disinfected between uses. 
  • Lunchtimes: Serve boxed food only, try to avoid large numbers congregating, consider serving food in classrooms rather than canteens. 
  • Schedule regular cleaning of the facility environment on a daily basis, including toilets, with water and soap/detergent and disinfectant. Clean and disinfect frequently touched surfaces such as door handles, desks, equipment, supplies, light switches, doorframes, teaching aids, and covers of books. 
  • Specific measures should be in place for students recovering from COVID-19 e.g. online learning, exams etc. 
  • Limit transfer between classes/levels for special programs (e.g. music, academic clubs, etc.) 
  • Waive the requirement for a doctor’s note to excuse absences when there is community transmission of COVID-19. 
  • Ensure students who have been in contact with a COVID-19 case stay home for 14 days. The training center officials should notify public health authorities in case of a positive COVID-19 case. 
  • Sinks used for food preparation should not be used for any other purposes 
  • Establish procedures for students or staff who have symptoms of COVID-19 or are feeling unwell in any way to be sent home or isolated from others. 
  • Establish one-way circulation where possible. 
  • Limit the number of persons allowed in the locker room at one time. 
  • Avoid the use of equipment that cannot be cleaned and sanitized should not be used​

  • Only allow students to be dropped off in personal vehicles, no mass transportation.
  • Develop a system for drop-off and pick-up that keeps students/staff at least 1.5m from each other.  This may include staggering drop-off and pick-up times, one-way traffic flows, or placing markers on walkways.​

  • Educate everyone in the training facility about COVID-19 prevention, this includes appropriate and frequent hand hygiene, respiratory hygiene, mask use, symptoms of COVID-19 and what to do if you feel sick.  
  • Non-contact greetings should also be advised. 
  • Explain to the students the reason for COVID-19-related measures, including discussing the scientific considerations.​

  • Make special considerations for vulnerable groups (online learning).
  • Keep vulnerable groups safe and protected.
  • Vulnerable staff members or students to remain at home and utilize distance learning where special considerations are not practicable.​

Copyright © 2022 Ministry of Public Health. All rights reserved.

COVID-19 Services Assistant خدمة المساعدة الخاصة بكوفيد-19
COVID-19 Services Assistant خدمة المساعدة الخاصة بكوفيد-19