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The Holy Month of Ramadan is a special time of the year for all Muslims but this year Ramadan will be very different due to the ongoing COVID-19 situation. It has changed many aspects of daily life and this will impact on how we experience Ramadan in 2020.

Protecting ourselves, our loved ones, and members of the community by following infection prevention guidelines, including reducing our contact with other people, must remain a priority. Ramadan is such a special and sacred time and it is important that we remember it is our responsibility to ensure that no harm comes to another being as a result of our actions. By staying apart, we will keep others safe.

Many of the traditions most of us associate with the Holy Month, including hosting large family parties or attending the mosque for prayers, will not be possible this year. However, with a little creativity we can maintain these important traditions while keeping ourselves and our loved ones safe. We are facing an extraordinary situation and it is important that we act accordingly.​

Tips for a healthy Ramadan

  1. Keep a positive attitude. Focus on what you can gain and learn, and not what you cannot do.
  2. When you get together with your family for Iftar or Suhoor meals, use your own plates and utensils, and maintain physical distancing.
  3. Stay in touch with family and friends through digital platforms. Despite the limitations on social gathering this Ramadan, it is important to still engage with your loved ones while maintaining public health.
  4. Be thoughtful about meal planning. Reduce your number of trips to the supermarket by ordering groceries online or shopping for meals for two weeks in advance.
  5. It is important to exercise regularly during Ramadan, while still practicing physical distancing. Instead of outdoor activities, indoor physical movement and online physical activity classes are encouraged.
  6. Use social media to celebrate events like Garangao. Hold an online photo competition with the best traditional dress voted on by friends and family. ​​

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COVID-19 Services Assistant خدمة المساعدة الخاصة بكوفيد-19
COVID-19 Services Assistant خدمة المساعدة الخاصة بكوفيد-19