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  • Gyms, training clubs and spas to operate at full capacity.

  • A dedicated COVID-19 Compliance Manager should be appointed for every facility responsible for ensuring compliance with this guidance, and the education and awareness of staff and customers of rules and guidance.

  • Ehteraz App to be downloaded by all staff and customers, entry only permitted for those with green status​​

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  • Wearing of face masks is mandatory for customer service employees working indoors including cashiers, receptionists and security personnel.​
  • Provide facilities for regular hand hygiene using soap and water or hand sanitizer for staff and customers.
  • Amend job descriptions to include cleaning and disinfection duties.
  • Before opening conduct a physical review of all facilities to ensure all essential systems are operational and clean (e.g fitness equipment).
  • Staff will carry out regular cleaning of high-contact touchpoints and hard surfaces throughout the premises between clients,  every 2 hours, and as needed, in all areas.
  • Encourage customers to bring their own towels, personal hygiene kit, and water bottles and extra masks.
  • Provide sanitizing wipes and clean water dispenser.
  • Mandatory to provide material to wipe/disinfect equipment before and after use.
  • When handling soiled linen, follow precaution and proper use of PPE (face masks, gloves).
  • Cleaning and disinfection of all areas at the start and end of each day and as needed.
  • Identify a protocol for employees to follow if they or a customer become ill or present signs of illness.
  • Comply with MoPH Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning (HVAC) guidance prior to reopening.
  • Comply with MOPH Guidelines for pools, if an indoor or outdoor pool is included in the facility

  • Provide hand sanitizers at the reception area.
  • Clean and disinfect card machines, pens, counters, and other hard surfaces between customer use.
  • Make available locker keys to guests on arrival at reception.  Visibly sanitize all keys in front of the guest when handing out and receiving back.
  • Remove magazines, newspapers etc from public areas.
  • Clean and disinfect shelves and items in hard surface containers in retail areas and remove testers.

  • Clients should come based on prescheduled appointment only (no walk in).
  • Visual indication of service providers washing hands prior to and following treatments.
  • Encouraging clients to wash or sanitize hands prior to treatments
  • Staff to wear clean gown/uniform which is changed between customers.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of all the surfaces and equipment used between customers, including door handles, light switches, counter tops, treatment tables, trolleys, face cradles, workstation equipment, stools, etc.
  • Clean and disinfect all tools and implements in accordance with standing regulations.
  • Clean and disinfect containers where tools and implements are stored.
  • Maintain 15 minutes downtime between clients for proper ventilation, cleaning and disinfection.
  • Allow single client use of towels, taking into consideration necessary precautions when handling soiled linen.​


  • Equipment should be cleaned and disinfected after each customer use – this can be done either by the customer or by staff using spray and cloths provided, in addition to the regular cleaning schedule.
  • Ensure that extra signage regarding physical distancing is in place around the free-weights area.


  • Allowing training in groups in outdoor areas. 
  • Limiting classes to a maximum of 25 people​.
  • Provide a minimum of a 15-minute window in between classes, to include 5 minutes of ventilation by opening doors and windows followed by 10 minutes for cleaning and disinfection.
  • Schedule by online/phone booking to restrict capacity.
  • Equipment (including mats, etc.) have to be cleaned and disinfected between use by a staff member using spray and cloths provided and follow manufacturer recommendations.
  • Cleaning and disinfection of all hard surfaces every 2 hours, and as needed.


  • Keep staff and customers updated on COVID-19 safety and prevention information and guidelines.
  • Identify ways to visibly promote /cleaning and disinfection activities.
  • Emphasis that protecting public health is paramount to the facility.  
  • Use MoPH health messages and materials.  
  • Let customers know what steps you are taking to keep them safe.


  • Educate staff on the importance of COVID-19 precautions including effective hand washing practices, proper Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) use, and updated treatment protocols.
  • Staff who are unwell should not be at work.
  • Educate staff to maintain physical distancing, including during breaks, and modify break times to avoid staff congregation
  • Educate staff on proper responses to guests who challenge physical distancing, wearing of masks and other precautions


  • ​Minimize cash transactions, encourage contactless payments. 
  • Wipe down credit card readers, etc.​


  • ​Vulnerable groups (including those above the age of 60, pregnant women, or those suffering from chronic conditions) are advised to remain at home.​

  • COVID-19 recovered patients who have been infected in the last 12 months are entitled the same privileges as vaccinated individuals.

Copyright © 2022 Ministry of Public Health. All rights reserved.

COVID-19 Services Assistant خدمة المساعدة الخاصة بكوفيد-19
COVID-19 Services Assistant خدمة المساعدة الخاصة بكوفيد-19