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  • To provide research-based guidance on how best to facilitate  the safe and gradual resumption of professional sports and have effective measures in place to protect the health of athletes, staff and supporting personnel by reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission during professional sports training sessions as much  as practicable.

  • Limit the occupancy of the training venue/ground at 12-36 meters square per person. 
  • A safe distance of 2-3 meters should be maintained between people when exercising.​

  • ​Outdoor training sessions are better ventilated than indoor sessions and thus less risk of transmission.
  • Ensure physical distancing advice is followed.
  • Indoor venues should be reduced capacity to allow at least 2-3 meters spacing between athletes.
  • Up to 50% capacity of any space used provided minimum safe distance is maintained.

  • An isolation room/space identified to hold any symptomatic  person found at the venue while awaiting patient transport to a medical facility is necessary.
  • Having a medical post and designated personnel on-site is advisable to help assess cases and potentially other illnesses.​

  • ​Special considerations made for vulnerable groups to keep  them safe and protected.
  • Vulnerable groups are advised to stay at home.

  • Regular testing for employees as per MOPH guidelines. 
  • Masks to be worn by all staff and athletes while not training. 
  • Distribute hand sanitizers at multiple locations in the training facility and accommodation. 
  • Ensure good hygiene signage is distributed across all venues, changing rooms, training facilities, etc. 
  • Athletes and employees are advised to avoid touching surfaces and their nose, eyes, or mouth. 
  • Towels recommended for use once only. 
  • Avoid physical contact, e.g., hugging, handshakes, etc. 
  • Cleaning and disinfection of sports equipment mandatory.​
  • Players should use their drinking bottles and not share with others. 
  • No spitting on the field of play.

  • Provide Athletes and staff with advice on cough etiquette and  hand-hygiene practices.
  • Provide Athletes and staff with information on physical distancing.
  • Provide Athletes and staff with information on the use of face  coverings and medical masks.

  • Ensure capacity to isolate suspected cases.
  • Provide disposable gloves to staff handling laundry, towels,  etc.
  • Make tissues and containers to dispose of used tissues with  lids available on all buses and in all facility changing rooms.
  • Consideration of provision of individual prevention packages  for athletes containing:
    • Small personal packages of disposable tissues and plastic  bags for tissue disposal
    • Small laminated prevention card with key reporting  information
    • Medical mask to wear if they are ill (any symptoms,  including fever, cough,  shortness  of breath)
    • Small packages of an alcohol-based hand wipes
    • A small package of disposable plastic drinking cups
    • Thermometer
    • Hand sanitizer​
  • Due to participating in training, anyone who feels ill should not come to the venue and be advised on the designated contact online or by telephone.​

  • ​​​Wash hands often with soap and water. Use an alcohol-based  hand sanitizer if soap and water not available.Hand sanitizer stations should be available throughout the training facility.
  • Athletes should not share clothing, bar soap or other personal items.​

  • ​​​Regulate entry to ensure training premises does not become  overcrowded.
  • Thermal screening of  employees  and  customers  (entry  prohibited for those  over  38 degrees).
  • Etheraz App to be downloaded by all staff, and check that the  status is green to allow entry.

  • ​​​Steam rooms and sauna’s​

Copyright © 2022 Ministry of Public Health. All rights reserved.

COVID-19 Services Assistant خدمة المساعدة الخاصة بكوفيد-19
COVID-19 Services Assistant خدمة المساعدة الخاصة بكوفيد-19