
  • To provide guidance on how best to facilitate the safe and gradual return of activities at parks, corniche, and beaches, and the same time reducing the risk of COVID-19 transmission during individual physical exercising outdoor as much as practicable.

  • Individuals are allowed to exercise in parks, open spaces, Corniches, and all beaches 
  • Groups of up to 30 people are allowed for sporting activities at 2m physical distancing. 
  • Any individual sporting activity, such as running and walking for exercise, is allowed. 
  • Stopping to sit or picnic is not allowed.​

  • Individuals must download the Ehteraz app, and the status must be green.
  • Avoid physical contact, e.g., hugging, handshakes, etc.
  • Avoid spitting.
  • Wearing masks is not necessary for outdoor exercises; however, 2 meters minimum safe distancing should be followed. You will need to wear a mask if you come within 2 meters from others when exercising. Those not exercising should wear masks all the time. 
  • Exercising is not advised when the temperature is 38 degrees or above or if COVID-19 symptoms are present.
  • Outdoor gym equipment should be kept closed (to reduce the risk of transmission of the virus on frequently touched surfaces).
  • Playgrounds and Skate parks should remain closed.
  • Cough or sneeze into a tissue, or if not available into the elbow. Dispose of the tissue paper in the waste bins.
  • Public toilets to open with thorough cleaning between customers.​

  • Maintain 1.5m physical distancing when walking (except in small family groups of the same household) 
  • Ensure a 2meters minimum distance from others when exercising outdoors. 
  • Groups of 30 people or less are allowed for sporting activities​

  • ​​​​Outdoor gym equipment.
  • Playgrounds.
  • Skate Parks.​​

Copyright © 2022 Ministry of Public Health. All rights reserved.

COVID-19 Services Assistant خدمة المساعدة الخاصة بكوفيد-19
COVID-19 Services Assistant خدمة المساعدة الخاصة بكوفيد-19